Our Toronto physiotherapists, chiropractors, and other sports medicine specialists treat both professional athletes and office workers, utility workers and restaurant staff. Many of the problems and conditions they need help with stem from accidents or unforeseen situations, but others are preventable, or at least could have been mitigated.

Here’s a look at how to keep the complex system of muscles, nerves, and bones that keep you moving healthy. With good habits, it’s even possible to reduce the impact or slow down the onset of conditions such as osteoporosis.

1. Weight Bearing Exercise

Weight bearing exercises build both muscles and bones.

  • Weight bearing exercises force your body to work against gravity, and exercises include jogging, walking, stair climbing, and dancing.

2. Strength Or Resistance Training

Strong muscles protect you against injury in many ways. Staying strong will help avoid and mitigate issues such as arthritis in the limbs.

  • Resistance training uses your body to either move or maintain a position, and exercises include weightlifting, using resistance bands, push-ups, yoga, and Pilates training.

3. Stretching

Stretching has benefits both before and after exercise, as well as on its own.

  • It increases blood flow to muscles.
  • It keeps muscles flexible, and improves your ability to perform any task.
  • It helps you avoid injury and improves balance.

4. Get Your Vitamins & Minerals

Eat a healthy, balanced diet that fuels your bones and muscles, and gives you the energy you need for your level of activity and lifestyle.

  • Calcium & Vitamin D are crucial for healthy bones;
  • Consuming Vitamin C with Vitamin D increases its absorption;
  • Iron plays a key role in keeping muscles strong;
  • Veggies and fruits rich in Vitamin C help to stimulate bone cell growth, and green and yellow vegetables aid in bone remineralization.

5. Posture & Ergonomics

Sitting or standing, posture is important. Balanced posture and a balanced gait avoid undue stresses and strain on your joints, muscles and bones. Our Toronto physiotherapists and other sports medicine specialists can provide help and guidance with any posture-related issues.

  • That includes your seated posture, especially if you work at a computer;
  • An ergonomically designed work station prevents neck, back, and wrist strains common with desk work.
  • Strengthening core muscles goes a long way towards staying mobile and avoiding injury.

6. Rethink Habits

Drinking alcohol and smoking deplete the body of nutrients.

  • Women who consume more than 1 drink per day, and men who consume more than 2, put themselves at an increased risk of osteoporosis.
  • Smoking has the same effect – it works to reduce bone density at a faster rate as compared to non-smokers.


If you have any questions or concerns about your musculoskeletal health, don’t hesitate to contact one of our Toronto physiotherapy and chiropractic clinics today for a consultation.