Services  Runners Program

Athlete's Care is proud to offer a Runner's Program in Toronto designed specifically to assess runners of all abilities with the intent of preventing or treating running-related injuries and a goal of becoming a life-long healthy runner. 

Who is the program for?

  • Runners with some running experience
  • Runners with a current injury
  • Runners who want to learn how to properly train for a race
  • Runners who want advice/ guidance on running.

What is involved in the program?



 - Running history/ experience, footwear, past injuries, past/ current training, strength training, goals


- Postural scan, functional assessment/ screen, video-recorded gait analysis on a treadmill (to be provided to the patient), observation of current running shoes’ wear patterns, specific mobility/ strength testing, palpation


- At the discretion of your therapist, which may include: discussion of your running biomechanics (gait analysis) and what it means, running shoe recommendation, discussion of specific training programs, manual therapy, acupuncture, home exercise program, taping/ bracing, education


Click here to meet the team of providers invovled in the Athlete's Care Runner's Program

The Runner's Program at Athlete's Care in Toronto is administered by Registered Physiotherapists at these locations: 


Runner's Program Initial Assessment:  1 hour session for $159.00

Runner's Program Follow Up w Senior Associate: 30 min session for $119.00

Runner's Program Follow-Up:  30 min session for $99.00

Runner's Program Follow-Up:  60 min session for $189.00


**Don't forget to check your insurance coverage.  Most insurance providers cover the cost of Physiotherapy or Chiropractic services.** 


Watch a video of the Runner's Program in action. Click here for the video